In 2014 the renovation and conservation works were performed according to plan. The General Contractor - Furmanek Renewal - launched construction works in July 2014. The works performed in the summer included among others: organisation of the construction site, technical inspection of the building and installations, disassembly works, cleaning the eastern elevation of the building, conservation and cleaning of the roof truss, successive exchange of roof covering.
Between September and December 2014 the roof works and the renovation of the roof truss were continued. Also the works on the eastern elevation of the building were performed and a renovation of the south-east elevation began. The renovation and conservation works included among others: elevation cleaning, repair of damaged fragments of building walls and replacement of decayed bricks with new ones.
In September the General Contractor started the renovation of the Bolesław Szabelski Auditorium, and the performed works included: uncovering parts of the polychromies, cleaning decorative and moulding elements, disassembly of stained glass windows and installation of ventilation system. Currently extensive renovation and conservation works inside the auditorium are underway.